Ananda Chandra College - Candidates qualified for Physical Education (DSC)

Ananda Chandra College
Candidates qualified for Physical Education (DSC)

Candidates qualified for Physical Education (DSC)

Ananda Chandra College
Candidates qualified for Physical Education (DSC)

The following candidates qualified for Physical Education (DSC) are asked to submit the fees of Rs. 900/- through online on and from 07.10.2024 to 10.10.2024 positively, failing which their subject shall not be confirmed.


SL. NO. Appl. No. Student Code Student ID Name of the candidate Contact Category
1 A003702485 JAL240019044 546091 RAJAT NAG 7098930047 GEN
2 A001241912 JAL240005168 130473 DEB JOSHI 8999310763 GEN
3 A002159762 JAL240014446 381214 PRATYUSH BHATTACHARJEE 9002509939 GEN
4 A000667549 JAL240001619 6950 RAJARSHI ROY 9641997884 GEN
5 A004940410 JAL240016023 429564 ABHAY BASAK 8167200982 GEN
6 A000465233 JAL240004693 120363 AMINUR HOSSEN 7029491530 GEN
7 A003574342 JAL240008131 198917 AYAN DUTTA 9832091019 GEN
8 A000873346 JAL240008174 199844 TANMOY ROY 9800082012 SC
9 A003170262 JAL240017872 497168 JEET BARMAN 7863987744 SC
10 A005102555 AL240013836 357640 BULAN ROY 9733426554 SC
11 A003260869 JAL240018181 507340 BUDDHA BARMAN 6294232839 SC
12 A000164164 JAL240003235 51822 RAJESH ROY 9679613912 SC
13 A000913097 JAL240007009 167071 NANDINI ROY 7908395956 SC
14 A001801263 JAL240013087 337568 MILI ROY 8509376031 SC
15 A000591131 JAL240005883 142761 RAKHI ROY 8927658561 SC
16 A000800838 JAL240007385 177691 ARADA ROY 7407503656 SC
17 A002674504 JAL240016324 442183 BEUTY ROY 8170854499 SC
18 A001122123 JAL240009008 238948 DEBIKA ROY 8942074209 SC
19 A000545196 JAL240004617 118752 TANUPRIYA ROY 8637897631 SC
20 A002649459 JAL240014470 381866 AMAN PASWAN 7864988547 SC
21 A003817916 JAL240009458 250988 BHASKAR ROY 9064232131 SC
22 A003976963 JAL240004944 125805 SEKHAR RAJAK 7047743547 SC
23 A001741780 JAL240012618 330173 RAJA DAS 9883838919 SC
24 A003004976 COB240022662 479622 PRIYANKA ROY 7908649200 SC
25 A001164500 AL243339078 241037 JUI BARMAN 8388902433 SC
26 1ACC2400672 JAL240014470 381866 KRAM ALI 7584099069 OBC-A
27 A003489726 JAL24008220 201017 RAJDIP GHOSH 9547851621 OBC-B
28 A004899693 JAL240009046 240270 DIPALI SINGH URAO 7076280240 ST
29 A001202847 JAL240009328 248366 AJU ROY 9635116682 SC
30 A001199636 JAL240009468 251210 CHANCHAL HALDAR 8768704805 SC
31 A002321349 JAL240015085 396303 JOGESH BARMAN 7908827211 SC
32 A001746065 JAL240009024 239537 DEBASHIS ROY 7864834850 SC
33 A003004976 COB240022662 479622 PRIYANKA ROY 7908649200 SC
34 A001164500 JAL243339078 241037 JUI BARMAN 8388902433 SC
35 A000755797 JAL240007027 167599 PAYEL BARMAN 8597264751 SC
36 A003056105 JAL240015005 394038 TAPAS ROY 9932808310 SC
37 A001127949 JAL240008997 238454 AMIT ROY 8617691815 SC
38 A002560385 JAL240015150 398753 NUPUR BISWAS 9749969615 SC
39 A000485520 JAL240004566 117037 SANCHITA ROY 7076113077 SC
40 A001686214 JAL240012320 323375 AYANTA ROY 7811033532 SC
41 A002248183 JAL240008958 236943 BIKRAM ROY 8653335585 SC

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